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Kosakaya Lacquerware Shop | Lacquer-finished Magewappa Lunch Box (Small Oval) Now in Stock

Koinu-jirushi | Notice of physical store sales Reading Kosakaya Lacquerware Shop | Lacquer-finished Magewappa Lunch Box (Small Oval) Now in Stock 1 minute Next Suzuki Fumie | Notice of physical store sales
We have received a new shipment of Kosakaya Lacquerware's "Small Oval Lacquered Magewappa Lunch Box."

The bentwood products of Kiso Naraijuku have a history of 400 years and are designated as a "Traditional Crafts by the Governor of Nagano Prefecture." In addition to bentwood products, lacquerware is also produced in Shiojiri, Nagano Prefecture, and Kiso lacquerware is designated as a "Traditional Crafts" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

As you use lacquer, it will develop a glossy finish and turn a bright, beautiful amber color. Enjoy the change over time as it goes from a deep color to a bright amber color ^_^

Click here for the lacquered bento box (small oval) from Kosakaya Lacquerware Store