梅木本種子鋏製作所 | 種子鋏 入荷のお知らせ

Umekimoto Seed Scissors Factory | Notice of arrival of seed scissors

Baba Katsufumi Pottery Studio | Utensils for sale Reading Umekimoto Seed Scissors Factory | Notice of arrival of seed scissors 1 minute Next Baba Katsufumi Pottery Studio | Teapot arrival announcement
We have received a shipment of seed scissors from Umekimoto Tanegashima Scissors Factory, which has its workshop in Tanegashima.

These scissors are said to be very sharp and do not require sharpening for years, and are made using the traditional techniques of Hontane scissors, which have a long history.

Today, blacksmith Shoji Umeki is the only one who can preserve these techniques and carry out all the steps by hand.

4 inch: Suitable for tasks such as cutting threads using only the tip.
5 inches: For small cuts and cutting fabric.
6 inches: The perfect size for a wide range of uses.
7 inches: When cutting items the size of a newspaper.
8 inch: As a pair of scissors. Great for cutting fabric.

Click here for a list of works by Umekimoto Tanegahasa Seisakusho

Please consider it.

Umekimoto Seed Scissors Factory Seed Scissors
Umekimoto Seed Scissors Factory Seed Scissors