工房やす | 角皿など作品入荷のお知らせ

Kobo Yasu | Notice of new arrival of square plates and other items

Baba Katsufumi Pottery Studio | Teapot arrival announcement Reading Kobo Yasu | Notice of new arrival of square plates and other items 1 minute Next Keiko Suzuki | Lunar Pot and Lunar Bowl now in stock
Works from Kobo Yasu, which have been out of stock for a while, are now in stock.
These are pieces for everyday use that have the gentle warmth of wood.

◆Wooden lid canister [large/small]
Not only can it be used to store coffee beans, tea, sugar, salt, etc., but because it has silicone inside, it is also recommended for storing foods that you want to avoid getting wet, such as biscuits and rice crackers.

◆Serving spoon
This serving spoon has been carefully hand-carved to create a shape and size that makes it easy to handle and scoop.

◆Sakura square plate [large and small]
The hand-carved markings give it an indescribably warm look. It is perfect for any dinner table scene, whether you are serving meat or fish.

Click here for a list of Kobo Yasu's works