梅木本種子鋏製作所 | 本種子鋏 予約販売のお知らせ

Umeki Hontane Scissors Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Notification of pre-order sales of Hontane Scissors

Keiko Suzuki | Lunar Pot and Lunar Bowl now in stock Reading Umeki Hontane Scissors Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Notification of pre-order sales of Hontane Scissors 1 minute Next Furuya Seitosho | Koichi Furuya | Announcement of the start of online sales
Umeki Hontane Scissors Manufacturing, which has its workshop in Tanegashima, Kagoshima Prefecture, has begun selling Hontane scissors.
This product will be sold by reservation and is scheduled to arrive in mid-January 2023. It will take some time to deliver, but please consider purchasing it.

The scissors made by blacksmith Umeki are completely hand-forged, starting from the forging process.
Umeki is the only person who can preserve the traditional manufacturing techniques of these scissors and carry out all processes by hand.

The most distinctive feature of seed scissors is their twisted blade called "neri."
Umeki's seed scissors are curved in a smooth arc so that the blades meet at a single point.
This kneading process allows the blades to rub against each other, creating an excellent sharpness and allowing you to cut with less force.

Please take a look at the product page for more details.
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