*Due to the limited stock of these extremely popular items, we will limit each customer to one of each item and color. If the item is out of stock, you will not be able to purchase it even if it is displayed in your cart. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
●White porcelain matte teapot [round], black glaze teapot [round]
A cute, round-shaped teapot. The teapot with a tea strainer drains water well, and is not only stylish but also easy to use. It can hold about two cups of tea.
●White porcelain matte teapot [Shizuku], black glaze teapot [Shizuku]
A teapot with a lovely teardrop-like shape. Teapots with tea strainers drain water well and are extremely easy to use. Teapots that combine "wood" and "ceramic" are unique and stylish.
We also have a limited number of soup pots (black) and gratin dishes (small) in stock, so please consider purchasing them.
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