穂屋工房 どんぶり ドット柄

Hoya Kobo | Rice bowl with polka dot pattern
在庫数: 在庫なし[出荷予定日]
Ships within 4-6 days (excluding weekends and holidays) *Backordered. If the product is out of stock, your order will be cancelled.

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Enjoy the dinner table
A bowl from Hoya Kobo decorated with polka dots and stripes. These sturdy, cute bowls fit perfectly in your hand and will make any meal even more enjoyable.
Rice bowls, noodles, anything
This dish will enhance any Japanese, Western or Chinese dish, including rice bowls and noodles. It will make your home-cooked meals look as stylish as if they were served at a restaurant.

Click here for a list of Hoya Kobo products