鈴木史恵 | 粉引の器が入荷しました

Suzuki Fumie | New Kohiki pottery now in stock

We have received pottery by Suzuki Fumie, who is a potter in Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture.
It has a soft texture with a hint of earthiness and a warm feel.

Fumie Suzuki Small Ear Cup
● Small ear cups, white (large and small)
The cup has a gentle, slightly rough texture reminiscent of earth, and a warm feel. The little ears on the cup are very cute.

Fumie Suzuki Small Ear Cup
● Small ear cups, orange (large and small)
The small cup has a gentle, slightly rough texture reminiscent of earth and a warm feel. The little ears on the cup are very cute.

Fumie Suzuki Kikka Bowl
● Kikka bowl (large, medium, small)
The slightly rough texture of the earthenware and warm feel are appealing. Arranging flower-shaped dishes is sure to create a fun dining table. Placing food on them will add a gorgeous touch to your table.

Fumie Suzuki pot
●Pot made from powdered porcelain
The pot with tea strainer can be used to make delicious Japanese tea or black tea. It can make about 3 cups of tea in a teacup or about 2 cups in a mug.

Click here for Suzuki Fumie's page.