小坂屋漆器店 | 摺り漆 曲げわっぱマグカップ入荷

Kosakaya Lacquerware Store | Lacquer-finished Magewappa mugs now in stock

Hoya Kobo | Online sales announcement Reading Kosakaya Lacquerware Store | Lacquer-finished Magewappa mugs now in stock 1 minute Next Conte | Meal Series / Yakusaji / Strainer now in stock
Kosakaya Lacquerware Store Magewappa Mug

We have received a shipment of lacquered bent wood mugs from Kosakaya Lacquerware Store.

The lacquered bento mugs are carefully crafted by traditional craftsman Takayuki Kojima. He does all the steps himself, from wood selection, processing, bending and lacquering, and is a craftsman from Kiso. He is one of the few traditional craftsmen who have inherited the two traditions and techniques of "Magemono" and "Urushi".

Please consider it ^_^

We have now also stocked mugs for left-handed people. The wooden joint has been modified so that the mouth does not touch the joint. The photo shows a mug for left-handed people.

Kosakaya Lacquerware Shop Magewappa Mug
Kosakaya Lacquerware Shop Magewappa Mug
Kosakaya Lacquerware Store Magewappa Mug

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