Conte (コンテ) | まかないシリーズ / やくさじ / こします 入荷

Conte | Meal Series / Yakusaji / Strainer now in stock

We have new kitchen utensils in stock from Conte, a brand that makes kitchen utensils in Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture, a city famous for metal processing.

Conte's items are all comfortable kitchen utensils that are essential for everyday cooking.

Staff bowl, flat colander, round tray
●Meal bowl / Round tray / Flat colander
Choose from three sizes depending on the amount of food you need to cook or prepare, and the purpose. The "Makanai Bowl 130" is convenient for small dishes such as preparing side dishes for bento lunches, and can mix up to six eggs. The "Makanai Bowl 180" is for making salads and other dressings, vinegared dishes, etc. The "Makanai Bowl 220" is the perfect size for washing whole vegetables, mixing flour when making bread or sweets, and kneading hamburger dough. The uses can be expanded even further by combining the round tray and flat colander.

Conte Yakusaji
●Measuring spoon | Measuring spoon 5ml・15ml
Yakusaji comes in two sizes: 5ml (teaspoon) and 15ml (tablespoon). The spoon's dish is shallow, but the angle between the handle and the dish makes it difficult to spill. The spoon's handle is long, so it won't sink into a bowl or pot, and you can mix or scoop seasonings after measuring them. You can perform a series of cooking tasks efficiently and smoothly with just one Yakusaji.

conte oil pot
●Strain|Oil pot large and small
The lid, strainer, and container all have a simple design, making them easy to use tools that don't make cooking with oil a hassle. They are graduated and can be used as measuring cups when not in use. Both the large and small sizes are compact, making them a very convenient size for using up all the filtered oil in your daily cooking.

Please check it out on the Conte work page.